The KonMari method™
Live a life that sparks joy: The KonMari method™ was created by the tidying expert Marie Kondo. This method is about tidying by category and not by location, starting with clothes,  books, paper, Komono (miscellaneous items) and the final category is sentimental.  KonMari is not just another tidying method. It’s a lifestyle.
Becoming konmari™ consultant

I attended the KonMari™ certification course in London in April 2019. I had the privilege to meet Marie Kondo and start my journey to become a certified KonMari consultant. I got certified in September 2019 and today I’m certified gold, which means I completed more than 900 hours of tidying with my clients. 

let's get practical
my services

This in-home / virtual session will help you identify your goals and apply the KonMari method™ in your home. I will guide you through the whole tidying festival that will  lead you to a new tidy and calm lifestyle.

Speaking engagements

Range of speaking services include intimate workshops and corporate presentations. These will guide you through the basics of the KonMari method and will help you to apply at your home or even at your workspace.

The question of what you own is actually the question of how you want to live your life
Marie Kondo
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